MediaPlatform PrimeTime provides the industry’s most advanced corporate YouTube, helping organizations leverage streaming media to improve corporate communications, enhance training and enable collaboration. PrimeTime is the central location where employees and partners can view, capture, search, rate, and share video through an intuitive, channel-based online video portal that can be accessed via desktop, tablet or smartphone.
BA Insight’s MediaPlatform PrimeTime indexing connector makes it possible to make the content accessible to users via an organization’s enterprise search platform, combining the connector with BA Insight’s SmartHub. The BA Insight MediaPlatform PrimeTime Connector retrieves information about channels and videos from MediaPlatform PrimeTime and index them via the search engine.
The following metadata is indexed per entity type:
- For channel: title, description, owner and status for personal channels (public vs. private)
- For video: title, description, creator, tags, creation and broadcast dates, thumbnail url, video playback url, duration, featured flag, comments and ratings, the channel(s) it belongs to, any available transcript or attachment.
The video file itself is not retrieved nor submitted to the search engine for indexing as search engines do not process video files to extract text from videos.

Key Functionality:
The connector indexes both channels and videos while honoring their security schemas. When clicking on PrimeTime items in SmartHub search results, the users will be redirected to PrimeTime to consume the resource there.