Tag Archives: Machine Learning

Which AI Platform is the Best for Your Organization?

using ai search

Microsoft Copilot for 365 vs. Copilot Studio vs. Azure Open AI Studio Earlier this week, we heard from Modern Work leaders like Jeff Teper and others, releasing more news on Copilot for 365, Copilot Studio, and more at the Microsoft Build Conference! We came with one takeaway: the AI buzz is louder than ever.  Organizations […]

The buzz around LLM machine learning, OpenAI, Bedrock, & ChatGPT: what does it all mean?

Man shows coworker how to use LLM Machine Learning AI

Generative AI. LLM machine mearning (Large Language Models). OpenAI. ChatGPT. Amazon Bedrock. Microsoft Copilot. The buzz out there right now is deafening. But what does it all mean? I have been in technology sales for almost 30 years. In that time, I have witnessed amazing technological advancements. I experienced the dot.com bubble firsthand.    Way before […]

Looking in the Rear View Mirror

For the past four years, my esteemed colleague Jeff Fried has posted a blog on his technology predictions for the following year. In that blog, he always started with a review of his predictions from the previous year, in a sort of scorecard of his ESP abilities. Now that we are in March (where did […]

State of AI Report Should Thank the Search Market – Deloitte

Towards the end of 2018, the second edition of Deloitte’s “State of AI in the Enterprise” was released. The full report is well worth the time to read, but after we closed out 2018, I couldn’t get one section of the report out of my mind. Specifically, the first of their three core findings that […]

Tech Disruption in 2018

Forbes recently posted an interesting article on nine disruptive tech breakthroughs in 2018.  I found it to be a good read and saw some real parallels within the search industry.  I’ve shared my thoughts on these points below.  The full article can be found here, and I’ve included excerpts from each of their disruptors.

Are We in an AI Revolution? Part Three of Three

Welcome to part three of “Are we in an AI revolution?”. If you haven’t already, be sure to read Part One here and Part Two here. We left off with a deep dive into the categories of AI capabilities.  Let’s now bring this all back around with some real-world guidance in terms of AI and […]

Are We in an AI Revolution? Part Two of Three

Welcome to part two of “Are we in an AI revolution?”. If you haven’t done so already, be sure to read Part One here. We left off breaking down the types of players in the AI space.  Let’s now dig into the specific AI capabilities that are worth knowing about.

Are We in an AI Revolution? Part One of Three

It seems that no matter where you look, AI is the subject that is being talked about most. At BA Insight, it’s a daily topic both internally, as we design new capabilities, and externally as our customers and prospects want to learn about how AI can benefit them. This is for good reason, as my […]

One Year Later: Now There Are Three

Way back in the middle of 2017, my colleague Jeff Fried participated in an exclusive member webinar with the Cognitive Computing Consortium on Leaders in Cognitive. He discussed the topic of, “The Race is On: Comparing Google and Microsoft’s Cognitive Services.”  I know… how is the middle of 2017 “way back”?  Well, in the terms of […]

Image Recognition and Image Search: A Picture is Worth a 1000 Words

Don’t you just hate it when you cannot find the content you are looking for? You know that you have relevant content, but either you can’t remember where it is, or you know where it is, but there is so much content that it will take ages to look at every file to find what […]

Search Predictions for 2018

New Year’s predictions are a longstanding tradition, dating at least back to the 16th century French seer Nostradamus.  Personally, I started only four years ago, and my predictions focus around search, digital workplaces, and market dynamics involving Microsoft.  I intend for these predictions to be much more useful, informative, and accurate than Nostradamus’ (a low […]

Tapping into the Cognitive Services Arms Race: Our Best-of-Breed Strategy

You hear about AI, machine learning, and cognitive services from every direction these days. Personally, I’ve been getting deep into the cognitive services provided by Microsoft and Google. Over the last year these have expanded enormously, and the pace of development is only increasing.

The Increasingly Intelligent Search Experience

How much time do you spend searching for the right content? According to one study, knowledge workers spend 20% or more of their day looking for timely and relevant content. Personally, I think that is a conservative estimate – but thankfully, Microsoft and many of its partners are trying to reduce that number.