Tag Archives: Knowledge Management

Which AI Platform is the Best for Your Organization?

using ai search

Microsoft Copilot for 365 vs. Copilot Studio vs. Azure Open AI Studio Earlier this week, we heard from Modern Work leaders like Jeff Teper and others, releasing more news on Copilot for 365, Copilot Studio, and more at the Microsoft Build Conference! We came with one takeaway: the AI buzz is louder than ever.  Organizations […]

Content Search Solution: 12 Reasons to Buy Instead of DIY

Woman at work using a content search solution.

When organizations are inundated with vast amounts of digital information, managing and accessing content has become a pivotal challenge, regardless of their scale. At the core of decision-making lies a crucial question: Should a company opt for a pre-built enterprise content search solution or embark on a journey to develop one internally?  Although the appeal […]

Making the impossible possible: BA Insight at ILTACON 2023

BA Insight at ILTACON

The Upland team always looks forward to ILTACON. We attend this premier legal technology event every year without fail, and each year we’re excited to meet up with old friends, connect with new faces, and be a part of the hustle and bustle of the week. Keep reading for everything you missed from BA Insight […]

Expose hidden content and exploit expertise with workforce productivity software.

Man uses workforce productivity software in manufacturing plant

Upland BA Insight’s workforce productivity software is a game changer for knowledge management. In the modern business world, the ability to access relevant information quickly and efficiently can mean the difference between a missed opportunity and a successful sale. However, countless hours are wasted in organizations as workers struggle to find and manage content, information, and […]

Our Customers Are “Visionaries”

I am a technologist at heart who has always been extremely interested in working with customers. So, when the opportunity came to be CTO and Chief Customer Officer simultaneously, I embraced it and am super excited about it. Being one of the few executives with this type of combination role, the advantages that it has […]

Tech Disruption in 2018

Forbes recently posted an interesting article on nine disruptive tech breakthroughs in 2018.  I found it to be a good read and saw some real parallels within the search industry.  I’ve shared my thoughts on these points below.  The full article can be found here, and I’ve included excerpts from each of their disruptors.

The Future of SharePoint is Here – Is It Intelligent?

The Microsoft Ignite conference was a whirlwind – vastly broad in the range of content, and full of news.  One of my favorite areas is the Mobile and Intelligent Intranet introduced as a theme in the Future of SharePoint.   At Ignite, Mark Kashman and Adam Harmetz had a great session titled Discover what’s new and what’s coming […]

How Can Your Intranet Be Intelligent?

Intranets may seem like an old concept, but they’re having a resurgence.  The number of intranet “renovation” projects is up, and many of these projects are “teardowns” looking to leapfrog into a much better employee experience by starting fresh.  There has been a rash of new products coming on the market touting “ready to use” intranets in […]