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Case Studies

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Travers Smith

This firm was growing fast and needed an enterprise search solution to locate information spread across various sites and siloes across different document libraries. They created an integrated solution called TotalSearch, powered by BA Insight.

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Legal AI Enablement

BA Insight’s AI Enablement Platform played a pivotal role during this Investment Bank’s AI implementation project, helping them achieve success by indexing enterprise applications for Copilot ingestion while classifying, enriching, and augmenting their data to optimize the best outcomes. The firm maximized their AI investment, providing their staff with better search functionality and a solid technological foundation to continue winning business.

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Corporate Law

Grappling with the complexities of evolving corporate law, this legal operations organization turned to Upland BA Insight to address their overwhelmed legal team’s challenges. With a growing volume of contracts and licenses, the team faced missed deadlines and financial risks. BA Insight provided a comprehensive solution, offering connectivity with multiple repositories, advanced data security, and scalable technology.

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Legal Operations

This international legal operations firm leveraged Upland BA Insight to revolutionize its operations, streamline processes, enhance collaboration, improve productivity, and enable proactive risk mitigation by facilitating enterprise-level content search. The results of implementing BA Insight led to decreased expenses, which they were able to invest back into the organization.

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Fortune 500 Legal Organization

This global legal operations company used Upland BA Insight’s enterprise search to transform this organization’s operations, processes, and procedures to foster collaboration and productivity and enable proactive risk mitigation through efficient research and content classification.

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International Law Firm with over 1000 Attorneys

Internal search was limited to the content on their intranet.  By implementing their vision of a single integrated search capability, their employees have saved a lot of time and significantly increased productivity.

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Investment Bank AI Enablement

BA Insight’s AI Enablement Platform played a pivotal role during this Investment Bank’s AI implementation project, helping them achieve success by indexing enterprise applications for Copilot ingestion while classifying, enriching, and augmenting their data to optimize the best outcomes. The firm maximized their AI investment, providing their staff with better search functionality and a solid technological foundation to continue winning business.

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Accounting Firm AI Enablement

This big four accounting firm’s AI-powered chatbot was delivering misinformation, frustrating employees and eroding trust in the AI project. BA Insight swooped in with our AI Enablement Platform, providing the firm with ways to reliable enrich and connect their knowledge, eliminate AI hallucinations and restoring confidence in the AI project with accurate, context-rich search experiences that boost productivity and maximize AI value.

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Life Sciences

Fortune 500 Pharmaceutical

This pharmaceutical company had a vision of a single search box, just like users have on the internet, that provides a connected experience to all employees. They were able to implement a solution that includes O365/SharePoint Online, IT service systems, social systems, cloud storage, database content, and website content, combining query time and index time merge to provide a web-like search experience to users.

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Pharma AI Enablement

BA Insight’s AI Enablement Platform transformed a struggling AI pilot into a resounding success for this global life sciences organization. With BA Insight’s graph connectors and metadata enrichment via AutoClassifier, they gained secure, enriched insights, accelerating compliance workflows and enabling faster decisions. Copilot became a strategic asset, advancing scientific discovery while maintaining the highest standards of security, accessibility, and compliance across the organization.

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Oil & Gas

Fortune 500 Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Company

Employee productivity declined due to the inability to find critical information.They were able to provide their knowledge workers with a single interface to access all needed information, regardless of where it resided.

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Australian Petroleum Exploration and Production Company

The inability to easily find information due to many disparate systems resulted in many productivity challenges. Combining these systems into a single index and implementing a conversational bot has significantly improved employee morale while increasing productivity.

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Fortune Global 500 Oilfield Services

Information availability was a critical issue for this organization. They were able to provide their users with a single place to go to search for critical information, increasing the adoption of SharePoint Online and O365.

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More Industries

Mining Operations

This organization sought to revolutionize its inefficient research processes to locate untapped mining opportunities within vast repositories of PDF documents.  Implementing BA Insight streamlined the analysis of soil sample information, providing decision makers with unprecedented speed, accuracy, and enhanced visibility into diverse and valuable mining sites.

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UK-based Global Telecom Company

With information spread across O365, SharePoint On-premise, and Yammer, it was challenging for employees to find the information they needed to do their jobs. They were able to deliver a unified search experience to their 100,000+ employees, with all complex security and active directory integration automatically handled.

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Global Dairy Manufacturer

Nestled amidst the thriving dairy production sector, our client, with an annual revenue of over $20 billion, encountered a common obstacle shared by numerous businesses, regardless of industry: dispersed data across various platforms. This organization began a revolutionary journey with BA Insight’s enterprise search solution because of its desire for efficiency and unified access to vital data needed to make critical business decisions in a timely manner.

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Consulting Firm

This global organizational consulting firm delivered a game changing enterprise search solution to their employees that made it much easier for them to find and access information, enabling them to provide the best services to their clients.

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