Find and Collaborate with Experts

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Quickly Find the Right Experts

An organization’s ability to leverage the expertise of its people provides a competitive advantage while increasing employee satisfaction and productivity. That’s why quick and easy access to experts is so important.

photo of people who find and collaborate with experts

With Expert Finder/Locator, your employees can quickly connect with experts to get ideas, advice, and answers that help them perform their jobs better, reducing duplication of work and accelerating time to resolution/completion.

Key Capabilities:

Experts are Nominated by

  • Information from previously stored contributions such as documents, emails, blogs, project histories, work and billing records, and more.
    Includes info within other systems such as Confluence, SharePoint, Teams, Yammer, etc.
  • User profiles
  • Resumes, which can be generated from LinkedIn

Learn Why an Expert was Nominated through Available Evidence

Easily see why people are recommended and ranked the way they are

Filter by Criteria

Web-like filters make it easy to drill down, specify what you are looking for, and filter across a variety of attributes including location

Explore and Adjust by Criteria

Internet-style sliders provide interactive exploration of the tradeoffs between criteria to help you find the best overall fit

Compare Experts

Take advantage of web-like “Expert Cart” to select and compare experts

Compare Experts

Internet-like comparison models use the Expert Cart to enable users to select and compare experts

Immediately Consult Experts

Integration with Teams enables immediate consultation with experts with the ability to send emails directly from the results or Expert Cart


Key Benefits:

  • Find the right experts within your organization who can best help address your needs quickly and efficiently
  • Know who the experts are and tap into their knowledge
  • Put your best experts on project proposals to increase your win rate
  • Assemble teams and staff projects quickly with the most appropriate people
  • Work more efficiently – stop sending broadcast emails, making phone calls, and interrupting your colleagues to find the right person