Searchable within the PubChem Search, PubChem Pathways are “a series of interactions among molecules in a cell that leads to a certain product or a change in a cell”.
PubChem Search provides an integration that helps improve access to and highlight available pathway resources as well as provide context for a given chemical or target.
The BA Insight PubChem Pathways Federated Connector:
- Gain a clear insight into what the Pathway is about and how it relates to other compounds all through BA Insight’s SmartHub Content Intelligence functionality. Quickly view a summary of the Pathways, highlight all chemicals, proteins and genes involved in the Pathway, see other related Pathways and much more, all without leaving the search results or trawling through the document.
- When used in conjunction with any of the 90+ BA Insight connectors or any of the other Federated Connectors from the PubMed/PubChem family, content that relates to a user’s search is also returned in a single set of search results.
- Supports filtering of the PubChem Pathways results, allowing users to specifically define the information that they wish to see.
- Content remains in the PubChem Pathways databases so when users click on a search result they are taken directly to their original content
Platforms Supported:
- Amazon Kendra
- Amazon OpenSearch Service
- Azure Cognitive Search
- Elasticsearch
- Microsoft Search
- SharePoint Online
- SharePoint On-Premise
- Solr
Future-proof Your Investment
As new versions of Azure Cognitive Search, Elasticsearch, AWS Elasticsearch, Solr, and SharePoint Search are released, new features and functionality are introduced. BA Insight takes on the burden of keeping the connector up to date for all supported search engines. The upgrades are easy to do and can be done by your IT organization. It is simply a matter of accessing the BA Insight customer portal, downloading the latest release, and installing and configuring it. If desired, our professional services team can handle the upgrades.
Drive Productivity and Engagement
By connecting PubChem Pathways content to your preferred search engine, you increase adoption of your intranet, improve your organizational efficiency and turn frustrated employees into happy and productive team members.

Quickly and easily search PubChem open chemistry databases using BA Insight’s SmartHub and our PubChem Pathways Federated connector. It provides a single window and experience into all organizational content.