PubChem is an open chemistry database at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It serves as a key chemical information source for scientists, students, and the general public.
BA Insight’s Federated Connector for PubChem enables users to:
- Perform searches for compounds and molecules from SmartHub rather than having to go to PubChem directly.
- Have results from PubChem mixed with results from any of the more than 80 sources available through BA Insight Connectors or Federated Connectors for a unified search experience.
- Filter the PubChem results, allowing users to specifically define the information that they wish to see.
- Preview PubChem pages as well as documents from other sources to quickly determine the relevance of individual search results.
- View an interactive 3D model of molecules returned from PubChem.
- Search either using the name of the desired molecule or by graphically drawing some or all of the structure using a tool provided.
- Click on a result to launch the page for the selected module in PubChem.
Future-proof Your Investment
As new versions of search platforms are released, new features and functionality are introduced, and the same is true of new releases of PubChem. BA Insight takes on the burden of keeping the connector up to date for both PubChem and the respective search engines. The upgrades are easy to do and can be done by your IT organization. It is simply a matter of accessing the BA Insight customer portal, downloading the latest release, and installing and configuring it. If desired, our professional services team can handle the upgrades.
Platforms Supported:
- Amazon Kendra
- Amazon OpenSearch Service
- Azure Cognitive Search
- Elasticsearch
- Microsoft Search
- SharePoint Online
- SharePoint On-Premise
- Solr
Drive Productivity
By connecting PubChem to your preferred search engine, you increase adoption of your intranet, improve your organizational efficiency and turn frustrated employees into happy and productive team members.

Search molecule information from PubChem as well as information from your internal content sources using BA Insight’s SmartHub and our PubChem Federated connector.