The main driver for the SharePoint 2016 release was to enable customers who were still not in a position to move to the Cloud to utilize some of the newest and coolest innovations which cloud technologies provide. This is all wrapped up with better user experiences and more people-centric compliance. BrightStarr wrote an informative blog about the new features of SharePoint 2016, as well as its vision and value. An article published on Computerworld also highlights key capabilities in SharePoint 2016.
BA Insight’s SharePoint 2016 Connector allows you to connect to SharePoint 2016 and ingest data from sites, document libraries, or lists securely in Elasticsearch. It ingests the full text and metadata of documents in SharePoint 2016 into Elastic, enabling a single searchable result set across content from multiple repositories. This allows organizations to tap into the wealth of information accessible within multiple versions of SharePoint, as well as other repositories, and make that data instantly actionable to users through search.

SharePoint 2016 has been deployed in more than 50% of Microsoft’s customers.