Category Archives: Blog

Azure Cognitive Search – A Next Generation Platform for Enterprise Search

Azure Cognitive Search is a cloud search service with built-in AI capabilities that enrich all types of information to easily identify and explore relevant content at scale. It has a rich set of features, including instant scaling, AI integrations, and complete code flexibility, making it worthy of consideration beyond its initial developer focus. As a […]

Three Ways to Quickly Improve Your Search Experience

Ask yourself this – do you want to live in a world where you spend hours unsuccessfully searching for information, going to multiple applications to search, and ultimately becoming more and more frustrated?  Hopefully the answer is no.  In this vlog, my aim is to demonstrate how you can take internal search to the next […]

Your Parent’s World is Not Your World

So, day one of London’s Taxonomy Bootcamp 2019 is well under way.  Every day is a school day, so I am taking in a lot of information from the very interesting and informative sessions so far. Not least is Emma Chittenden’s keynote, “That word you keep using? I don’t think you know what it means”, […]

Everything That Was Sci-Fi When I Was a Kid is Now Real

I was delighted to recently join the BA Insight Shared Insights Podcast to talk about how everything that was Sci-Fi when I was a kid is now real. It’s sometimes hard to remember that fact when sitting in traffic and struggling to hear people on conference calls, or wondering when a download will start… But […]

Why Does Enterprise Search Have Such a Negative Reputation?

This month is my six year anniversary at BA Insight, and during these years, after many discussions with prospects, customers and even analysts, it is obvious that enterprise search has a bad rap. I’m not sure if you have observed this, but convincing leadership that enterprise search should be an area of investment is often […]

A Picture is Worth More Than a Thousand Words

I am asked more and more by my clients and prospects if we can help them with identifying, analyzing, and tagging image and video files in their enterprise. This is not surprising given that the modern enterprise is creating and storing an ever-increasing amount of videos and images either as standalone files or contained inside […]

Our Customers Are “Visionaries”

I am a technologist at heart who has always been extremely interested in working with customers. So, when the opportunity came to be CTO and Chief Customer Officer simultaneously, I embraced it and am super excited about it. Being one of the few executives with this type of combination role, the advantages that it has […]

Vegas, Baby: SharePoint Conference 2019!

thoughts on sharepoint conference 2019

To quote the Grateful Dead, “What a long strange trip it’s been.” I am getting very excited about the upcoming SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas, which is being held May 21-23.  Thinking about it brings a few tears to my eyes. I have been doing this, working with SharePoint, a very long time. In fact,  […]

2019 Contrary Predictions

2019 Contrary Predictions

It seems that at the start of every year, people spend time predicting what will happen that year.  Since it’s the start of spring, and I’ve only got 9 months of this year ahead of me, I figured a different approach was needed.  I’ll take a shot at predicting what won’t happen.

Looking in the Rear View Mirror

For the past four years, my esteemed colleague Jeff Fried has posted a blog on his technology predictions for the following year. In that blog, he always started with a review of his predictions from the previous year, in a sort of scorecard of his ESP abilities. Now that we are in March (where did […]

State of AI Report Should Thank the Search Market – Deloitte

Towards the end of 2018, the second edition of Deloitte’s “State of AI in the Enterprise” was released. The full report is well worth the time to read, but after we closed out 2018, I couldn’t get one section of the report out of my mind. Specifically, the first of their three core findings that […]

Why Can’t I Just Ask a Question?

Why don’t computers work like people think?  Why can’t I just ask a simple question when I want to search for something? The internet revolution has changed society forever.  Even with all the advancements, computers and computer interfaces (UI) have not always been “people” friendly, and that is an understatement.

Simplifying Intelligent Search Deployments Through Robust Information Architecture

Simply put, how much effort, energy, and forethought you invest in the content strategy and overall information architecture of your source systems significantly impacts the complexity and time needed to deliver a robust comprehensive enterprise search solution. Customers often embark upon their journeys with our products with the upfront understanding that enterprise search and the […]

Tech Disruption in 2018

Forbes recently posted an interesting article on nine disruptive tech breakthroughs in 2018.  I found it to be a good read and saw some real parallels within the search industry.  I’ve shared my thoughts on these points below.  The full article can be found here, and I’ve included excerpts from each of their disruptors.

Enterprise Integration as a Stepping Stone to Solving Enterprise Search Problems

According to AIIM (Association for Information and Image Management), the definition of enterprise search is: “The practice of identifying and enabling specific content across the enterprise to be indexed, searched, and displayed to authorized users.” There are two approaches to an enterprise search project:

Are We in an AI Revolution? Part Three of Three

Welcome to part three of “Are we in an AI revolution?”. If you haven’t already, be sure to read Part One here and Part Two here. We left off with a deep dive into the categories of AI capabilities.  Let’s now bring this all back around with some real-world guidance in terms of AI and […]

Are We in an AI Revolution? Part Two of Three

Welcome to part two of “Are we in an AI revolution?”. If you haven’t done so already, be sure to read Part One here. We left off breaking down the types of players in the AI space.  Let’s now dig into the specific AI capabilities that are worth knowing about.

Are We in an AI Revolution? Part One of Three

It seems that no matter where you look, AI is the subject that is being talked about most. At BA Insight, it’s a daily topic both internally, as we design new capabilities, and externally as our customers and prospects want to learn about how AI can benefit them. This is for good reason, as my […]