Category Archives: Blog

Which AI Platform is the Best for Your Organization?

using ai search

Microsoft Copilot for 365 vs. Copilot Studio vs. Azure Open AI Studio Earlier this week, we heard from Modern Work leaders like Jeff Teper and others, releasing more news on Copilot for 365, Copilot Studio, and more at the Microsoft Build Conference! We came with one takeaway: the AI buzz is louder than ever.  Organizations […]

Content Search Solution: 12 Reasons to Buy Instead of DIY

Woman at work using a content search solution.

When organizations are inundated with vast amounts of digital information, managing and accessing content has become a pivotal challenge, regardless of their scale. At the core of decision-making lies a crucial question: Should a company opt for a pre-built enterprise content search solution or embark on a journey to develop one internally?  Although the appeal […]

AI-Powered Vector Search: Unlocking the Future of Content Retrieval

Woman using vector search on laptop in office

Searching for something you need to get your job done can often feel like digging through an endless mountain of knowledge. Unfortunately, most searches rely on keyword matches, so you need to know exactly what you’re looking for to locate it quickly and efficiently. Without precise terminology, you waste countless hours unearthing irrelevant information. When […]

Making the impossible possible: BA Insight at ILTACON 2023

BA Insight at ILTACON

The Upland team always looks forward to ILTACON. We attend this premier legal technology event every year without fail, and each year we’re excited to meet up with old friends, connect with new faces, and be a part of the hustle and bustle of the week. Keep reading for everything you missed from BA Insight […]

The buzz around LLM machine learning, OpenAI, Bedrock, & ChatGPT: what does it all mean?

Man shows coworker how to use LLM Machine Learning AI

Generative AI. LLM machine mearning (Large Language Models). OpenAI. ChatGPT. Amazon Bedrock. Microsoft Copilot. The buzz out there right now is deafening. But what does it all mean? I have been in technology sales for almost 30 years. In that time, I have witnessed amazing technological advancements. I experienced the bubble firsthand.    Way before […]

Expose hidden content and exploit expertise with workforce productivity software.

Man uses workforce productivity software in manufacturing plant

Upland BA Insight’s workforce productivity software is a game changer for knowledge management. In the modern business world, the ability to access relevant information quickly and efficiently can mean the difference between a missed opportunity and a successful sale. However, countless hours are wasted in organizations as workers struggle to find and manage content, information, and […]

Data Intelligence Strategy: 3 Steps to Save Time and Money

Analyzing data

Data Intelligence refers to the tools and methods organizations use to better understand the information they collect and store, to improve the quality of their goods or services.​  Information and knowledge management is often underutilized​ because it is expensive and time-consuming to capture and deposit information into a manageable repository.   What is the price of NOT […]

Flash to the Future: The Implications of Generative AI and Enterprise Search

ai search abstract

I’m showing my age somewhat, but when I was at school, Google search was only just getting going and these types of paradoxical ideas like ChatGPT and Generative AI were akin to something that you only see in a movie, but difficult to believe could happen—like the hoverboard concept in Back to the Future II. The […]

You Can Have Your Cake and Eat It Too! (Part Three)

As I promised in my last blog, I will discuss real-world examples of hybrid search deployment projects at both a large, publicly-traded manufacturing company and a well-known multi-national law firm. First, let’s look at the manufacturing company and understand a bit about their systems. Their business productivity stack is Microsoft O365, and all business records […]

You Can Have Your Cake and Eat It Too! (Part Two)

bio tech search

As promised, this is a follow up blog about a deployment at one of the world’s largest biopharmaceutical companies committed to discovering, developing, and delivering innovative medicine to patients. The organization’s complex environment includes data in numerous silos, both in the cloud and on-premises. This includes SharePoint, Veeva Vault, website content, databases, and home-grown applications […]

You Can Have Your Cake and Eat It Too! (Part One)

berry cake

Awhile back, I wrote a three-part blog series on federation. (Part One: “Make Federation a Part of Your Single Pane of Glass”) and why it should be part of your enterprise search strategy. Since then, we have noticed a huge shift away from a single-index strategy to a multi-index strategy. In the first installment for […]

Focus on the “Strategy” – Digital Transformation and Microservices

Digital Transformation

During my regular industry reading, I noticed that Digital Transformation continues to be a hot button keyword that many tech companies are generating content around. One particular article caught my eye, calling out microservices and its importance in Digital Transformation for 2021. At first I was excited because Microservices are of particular interest to me, […]

Benefits of a Unified Hyperautomation Platform


In my previous blog, I covered some of the challenges and limitations with hyperautomation solutions in typical enterprise implementations. In this blog, I propose a new way to overcome these limitations by unifying both automation and integration into a single platform. Automation and Integration – Better Together Automation and Integration platforms are used mostly independently […]

The Limitations of First-Generation Hyperautomation Platforms

automation integration

In this blog, I discuss the limitations of existing first-generation standalone Automation and Integration platforms. In a follow up blog, I will propose how to overcome these limitations. Automation Automation is usually defined as the mechanism of automating tasks normally performed by humans.  There are many benefits to Automation, which are usually equated with RPA […]

Deliver AI-powered Application Search with Azure Cognitive Search and BA Insight (Guest Blog)

AI with Auzre and BA Insight

Data is growing exponentially, and over 90% of data is unstructured1, creating a challenge for organizations to find and surface the right information to their customers. What organizations need is a solution that enables them to uncover latent insights from all their content by quickly identifying relevant information and meaningful patterns. Knowledge mining is a […]

Is a Single Pane of Glass Really Enough?

round window pane

In part two of my blog series, I discussed how the single index is going the way of the dinosaur. I also introduced the concept of an “In-App” enterprise search experience, which I think is the future. Even more bluntly, In-App Search is game-changing technology.  It allows users to seamlessly access information spread across multiple […]

Is the Single Index the Next Dinosaur?

A New Dinosaur for Indexing technology

After my last blog, I received several questions about use cases for a federated approach. So, I have written this follow up blog to share real-world examples of the power of federation. I will also introduce the “in-app” experience – the idea of bringing search to where your information workers live. We work with some […]

Make Federation a Part of Your Single Pane of Glass

Single pane search

I have been in the enterprise search market for over a decade and have had the fortune of working with many visionary companies. For too long, many have considered enterprise search to be too complex, which has resulted in organizations staying away from solving a business-critical problem for the team members. At BA Insight, we […]

Azure Cognitive Search – A Next Generation Platform for Enterprise Search

Azure Cognitive Search is a cloud search service with built-in AI capabilities that enrich all types of information to easily identify and explore relevant content at scale. It has a rich set of features, including instant scaling, AI integrations, and complete code flexibility, making it worthy of consideration beyond its initial developer focus. As a […]